How to Play Razz Poker

If you love to play Poker for having fun with family and friends then you should never miss a chance to play Razz Poker. The simple rules of the game make it highly interesting for players and you can play it without using much of your mind. The ultimate aim of this game is to have lowest possible hand by the player. The winner has to use five cards out of the seven cards to make the lowest hand. One should know that Ace is considered as the lowest card in Razz Poker. Thus, the best lowest hand that can make you a winner in the game is Ace, Two, Three, Four, and Five. The suit of the cards does not matter Mysport99. Moreover, it does not matter if you got a Straight or Flush.

If you are looking for information on how to play Razz Poker then you have landed at the right place. The following steps should be followed for playing Razz Poker.


  1. To play and enjoy this game of poker card you need to have around six to eight players. It is worth mentioning that the game can be played amongst two players as well. In this game, round of bets is placed before even the cards are dealt to the players.
  2. The dealer deals three cards to each player. Out of these three cards, two cards are dealt face down while the third card is face up. This card is known as Third Street.
  3. The player who has the highest third street has to place the first bet. This is referred to as ‘bringing in’. The amount of the first bet should be at least one fifth of low limit bet. However, if the player wants he can increase the bet amount according to his wish and pocket.
  4. After completing one round, the dealer once again deals one round of face up cards to the players and this is known as Fourth Street. The player who gets the highest card places the first bet. However, this time the bet amount should be at least low limit bet.
  5. Now the dealer deals one card to each player and it is known as Fifth Street. The bets are placed based on the cards presently lying on the table. However, by this stage the players do not place low limit bets. The players place higher bets. In the similar manner, one more round of cards is dealt and it is known as Sixth Street.
  6. Seventh Street is dealt but in this round, the cards are face down.
  7. In the end, all the cards are face up to reveal that has the winning hand.
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